Specific Need
To continue to provide financial support as needed for St. Xavier's parish and school.
The St. Francis Xavier Parish Foundation was established in 1997 by a group of parishioners for the purpose of investing assets to provide supplemental financial support for St. Francis Xavier's school and parish.
Since January 2015, the Foundation has donated a total of over $531,000 to St. Xavier's school and parish. This includes:
$288,669 for the church building and other parish needs;
$227,732 for school improvements, new equipment and technological updates; and
$ 15,250 for scholarships awarded to graduating seniors of St. Xavier's High School.
In 2020, the Foundation established a separate Director's Fund to be used as an endowment fund for the school. The intent is to donate 5.5% of that funds's assets each year to the school, and to eventually generate enough earnings within the fund to be able to provide a substantial annual amount for the school budget, with a goal of reducing the need for the parish to subsidize the school.
Updated in October 2023